Torngat Metals

Project components:

Rare earth separation plant

One of the key project components is the construction of a state-of-the-art facility for separating rare earth elements from the concentrate  transported from the mine site. The facility is expected to produce around 15,000 tonnes of rare earths mixture each year. 
The facility will cover approximately 140 hectares in Vigneault Industrial Park and will include various dedicated spaces:
  • Area for storing concentrate and other inputs.
  • Areas for separating rare earth elements.
  • Effluent processing station.
  • Environmentally friendly facility for storing tailings.
  • Administrative buildings, warehouses, parking, etc.

Why the Sept-Îles Industrial Park?

Vigneault Park in Sept-Îles has been identified as the ideal location for our rare earths facility because it offers a number of key advantages:

  • Availability of qualified workers for heavy industry.
  • Well-established industrial and mining ecosystems.
  • The current infrastructure (port, rail network, access to electrical network) reduces the need for new facilities and favours the use of more environmentally friendly transportation operations. 

Benefits for Sept-Îles and Quebec's North Coast​

Constructing a rare earth separation plant represents a major investment that will bring economic benefits to Sept-Îles and Quebec’s North Coast region (Côte-Nord), including high-quality jobs, business opportunities for companies across the region and tax benefits for all levels of government.


Direct and indirect jobs per year during the construction phase (2026-2028)


Direct jobs created during the production phase

This is an opportunity for the region to develop expertise in new industrial sectors with high growth potential and to play a key role in the development of critical metals required for the global energy transition.

Torngat Metals is seeking to get involved and work closely with major socio-economic players, educational institutions and communities with a view to building a project that will benefit all stakeholders.

Next steps and public consultations

Now that the engineering development and the environmental studies are underway, Torngat Metals has adopted an early engagement and active listening approach enabling it to take stakeholders’ suggestions and concerns into account during project development.

The project will also be the focus of public hearings organized by Quebec’s Bureau of Environmental Public Hearings (Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement) in 2026.


  • Information session – Ferland District – September 18, 2024: Minutes, Presentation and Recording  (available in French only)
  • Presentation to the Sept-Îles-Uashat mak Mani-Utenam Chamber of commerce – July 3, 2024
  • Information session – April 15, 2024: Minutes and recording (available in French only)
  • Information session – April 11, 2024: Minutes and recording (available in French only)

Contact us

If you have any questions or comments or would like to share your ideas with us, please send an email to: